Tata Institute of Social Sciences Alums Association
An Association of Alums across Campuses, Courses and Batches

TISSAA works towards strengthening Alums engagement for their mutual benefit, i.e., to support the Alums for their personal and professional growth.

➤ Objectives of TISSAA

• To promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alums across the world with Tata Institute of Social Sciences, the current students, and among the Alums themselves;

• To encourage, promote and facilitate education, field action projects, research, enterprises and other activities of the Institute and Alums;

• To develop programs of interest to alums

• To encourage the Alums to take an active and abiding interest in the work and progress of the Institute so as to contribute towards enhancement of the social utility of their Alma Mater

• To help students and alums to grow in their respective area by providing scholarships, establishing awards for their academic and extra-curricular activities such as research/ field work and being mentor with students

• To accept any bequest, gift, donation, loan or subscription towards or to accumulate and provide a fund or an endowment and to invest the same and apply the income arising there from or to resort to the capital thereof for any of the objects of the association;

• To do all such other lawful things as are conductive or incidental to the attainment of the above objectives and/or beneficial to the interests of the Institute and its Alums.

➤ The objects incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the main objects of the Society are:

• To undertake, organize, facilitate and sponsor training, conference, research, documentation, publication and dissemination

• To organize, promote, undertake, co-ordinate and sponsor work in the fields of applied social sciences and other areas of human intervention

• To mobilize resources, seek sponsorship, and enter into partnership for the Society

• To provide professional, managerial and technical consultancy services to government and non-governmental development organizations, NGOs, grassroots organizations, foundations, trusts, charities, philanthropic organizations, business houses and private bodies, and other beneficiary organizations in formulation, resource mobilization, implementation, management (including taxation, legal affairs, accounting), monitoring and evaluation of development programs and organizations

• To organize, conduct and/or sponsor training programs, workshops, conferences, symposiums, seminars, meetings and lectures

• To establish contact, co-ordinate, promote dialogue, facilitate co-operation, develop networking, collaborate with and seek collaboration of various government, public and non-government organizations in India and abroad including concerned individuals, grassroots groups, intermediary bodies, non-government funding agencies, multilateral and bilateral aid organizations, and constituents of the United Nations system in aid of and in furtherance of the Objects of the Society

• To mobilize, receive, hold, invest, utilize, transfer and channelize funds and other assets for sponsoring activities in furtherance of the Objects of the Society

• To pursue objects of the Society independently or in association with other individuals, groups, associations, societies, institutions, companies, co-operatives and public bodies and if considered necessary, become member of any society, institution or association of persons and/or organizations

• To organize and/or establish centres, chapters, institutes, units and projects, or to make any other arrangements necessary for conducting and managing the Society, within or outside India, and to appoint such agents and representatives or otherwise in order to carry out the Objects of the Society

• To offer scholarships, fellowships and resources -financial or otherwise -to individuals, groups or institutions to pursue grassroots work, innovative projects, and academic or research interests independently, as part of another organization or at the Society, that commensurate with the objects of the Society and to institute awards, prizes and medals in accordance with the Articles and Bye-laws of the Society

• To acquire, purchase, build, take on lease, give on lease, possess, sale, transfer, gift any and all movable and immovable assets and properties in furtherance of the objects of the Society

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